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Thursday, October 6, 2011

One Word

The one thing that no man or woman has not been through.  This can be the best of times, or it can be the worst of times.  The problem with it is that everyone who has gone through it has tried to put into the minds of those who are currently going through it, what they believe everyone should think about at that age and it pulls people, families, and friends apart because of the different ways propaganda is used to influence young minds such as teenagers.  Why teens?  Why children?

The answer is simple, you control the future by controlling the youth that live now.  Why?  They are impressionable and able to be persuaded more easily.  Why not read a book?  Television has said that reading is not the best way to learn when in truth it is the best way to learn anything (though not conveyed through saying it directly).  The best thing we can encourage young people to do is read because it will open doors and worlds that they couldn't believe were possible to open.  Books lead to realms and worlds that people can enjoy and eventually, the most avid readers, become writers and create their own world to live in.

If you chose one word and you wanted to write about it, what would the word be and what would you write about that word?  School countdown: 22 days left till school is done with the first term! :0

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