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Sunday, September 4, 2011

What to do? Students vs. Parents

You know it's funny that school only started two weeks ago for students at Lone Peak High School, and most students are already in their bleak mode where they just want to get out A.S.A.P.  That's funny because people wonder why students do poorly at the beginning of the term and the main reason is because students are already bored with school.  When it comes to parents though, they are bored with the student because they've spent the summer keeping them busy and now they feel they deserve the student doing things on their own. 

Most students need to look at it from that perspective because their parents aren't always going to be with them and it frustrates the parents because they know you can do better.  Do most students do poorly in school (aside from being bored) because they want to try and be independent and try to still have their parents support them?  You decide...


  1. You've got some good points. Another problem that students unfortunately do is that they overload themselves way more then they can handle. They don't know how to handle track and choir and drama and etc.

  2. That's a very good point. I didn't even think about that. Students should learn that you don't always have to take the hard classes just to get lots of credit. If they want to pay for college they should get as many scholarships as they can.

